Broken Hearted II

Broken Hearted

Here is a great post on Broken Hearts from my son Tyler. Check it out here:

Check out my other Broken Hearted Posts Here 

We now have a baker in the family

bakery_girl.gifWell kind of. Tyler got a job a bakery in Sydney called Baker’s Delight. It couldn’t have came at a more perfect time. You can see more about it on Tyler’s Blog at . He loves the job and the people he works with. Thank you for all your prayers. God is so awesome.

Pray for Tyler in Aussie

We received news from Tyler or son that his job at Chocol’art Cafe didn’t work out. He is currently searching for another job. His money is running low and he is running out of time. Please pray for God’s blessing on getting another job soon. Tyler remains really positive and knows that God is working through this. Here is a link to hear it from him:

Thanks for taking the time to pray. You guys are awesome.

Yeah, Tyler got a job!

Tyler got a job on Tuesday at a place called Chocol’art Cafe. By the look of their website it is a perfect fit. God is so good.

Check out Tyler’s Blog about it:

This stuff looks soooooo good!