The Noticier by Andy Andrews

Just finished an incredible book called “The Noticer” by Andy Andrews. At first look I thought what kind of story can be captured on only 156 pages. Boy did I get a schooling. I was hooked from the first chapter. It has changed my perspective on life in a huge way.

The story all takes place in the town of Orange Beach, Alabama. A gentleman named Jones, not Mr. Jones just simply Jones was making life changing differences for so many people. Jones was all about perspective. It was amazing to see how peoples lives changed because of a new perspective.

The words of wisdom in this book are incredible. I have post it notes on my desk top with different quotes in it from the book. That is not normal for me. I am looking forward to rereading it again. Which I rarely reread a book.

A town of people where changed forever in the story of the book. A world of people will be changed forever by reading this book.

We are enjoying Boise

Hi everyone we are enjoying Boise. Kayla is starting to get settled into her new school. She is taking beggining guitar and loves it. Kim is trying to get used to the big campus of BSU. Verla is starting to get into a routine at her new school and is starting to like it. I am still looking for work. Hopefully the Lord blesses soon on this. I changed my phone number to a local one. So if you want it, shoot me an email.

Here is a video of our new house. Check it out.

One Week till moving day

Wow it is hard to believe it is already just a week away. We will be loading up all our stuff and head across country to the land of potatoes. IT has been so crazy trying to get everything done in time. But I think we are setting good.

Verla has taken a job at a new preschool in the area. She is really excited about that. We have found a house that will be perfect for us. It even has a community pool. Yeah!!! I have applied with DirecTV to be an installer. I will have an interview with them the Monday after we get there. I think I would really like it and the money would meet our needs. Things have just been falling into place through out this whole thing. It has been so cool to be a part of God’s plan.

If you want to get together before we leave, you need to hurry and set up a time, our calender is filling up fast. We would love to see you though so make sure to call.

I have been spending more time on facebook than here so come by and say hi.


The Ulrich’s are moving to Boise

I bet that got everyones attention. lol. It has been a long time since I have wrote and obviously a lot has been happening. First let me tell you that we are all doing great. God has been so good to us.

The above headline is true. We are moving to Boise in August. God is blessing us with an awesome opportunity to help with a church plant there. It has been something that Verla and I have always wanted to do. We are going with an incredible team. I will be posting more about it in the future.

My main reason to start this conversation is I am looking for prayer coverage. We are going to be in a huge spiritual battle and need your prayer protection. Would you please join us in prayer daily for this. I will send out an update every few weeks with specific prayer needs and praises. If you are willing, please send me an email at

Thanks so much everyone,


Please pray for Tyler

Please pray for Tyler. I received an e-mail from him and he is really in trouble with money. Or should I say the lack of. In his words “I really need a miracle.”

Please lift him up in your prayers and send him some words of encouragement.

Thanks everyone.


Kayla and Michael went to home coming

I can’t believe it my daughter is old enough to go to home coming. I was hoping this day wouldn’t ever come. But it did.

My princess Kayla went with her good friend Michael to his homecoming dance. Michael is a great guy. You know he has to be for me to let him take my princess out. 🙂 They had a blast. Dinner at Chilies and then the dance and home before midnight even. Below are the pictures.

We now have a baker in the family

bakery_girl.gifWell kind of. Tyler got a job a bakery in Sydney called Baker’s Delight. It couldn’t have came at a more perfect time. You can see more about it on Tyler’s Blog at . He loves the job and the people he works with. Thank you for all your prayers. God is so awesome.

Semi vs Train

Semi vs. Train. Who do you think won? To many times we get in a hurry and think we can beat the train through the crossing. Sometimes in traffic, sometimes just in our lives.

How many times have we said, “After I just do this, then I will:

see an old friend

spend time with my spouse

do something with the kids

go see my family

help someone in need


go to church

spend time with God.”

What if you get hit by that train right now? Do the things that matter now before it’s to late.

Pray for Tyler in Aussie

We received news from Tyler or son that his job at Chocol’art Cafe didn’t work out. He is currently searching for another job. His money is running low and he is running out of time. Please pray for God’s blessing on getting another job soon. Tyler remains really positive and knows that God is working through this. Here is a link to hear it from him:

Thanks for taking the time to pray. You guys are awesome.

Yeah, Tyler got a job!

Tyler got a job on Tuesday at a place called Chocol’art Cafe. By the look of their website it is a perfect fit. God is so good.

Check out Tyler’s Blog about it:

This stuff looks soooooo good!